SEF Classroom Grants

The 2024 Classroom Grant Applications are now closed. Check back in October 2024 for the 2025 application.

Since 1986 the Snohomish Education Foundation (SEF) has provided teachers and staff members of the Snohomish School District funds that help “foster student learning with innovative and creative programs.”   The SEF provides scholarships to graduating seniors, supports Snohomish School District-wide programs, funds the Hansen Shoe Fund and provides Grants to individuals employed by the Snohomish School District that support and enrich student learning and curriculum outcomes.

We invite you to apply for a Grant with the understanding that the Grants are funded based on the amount of money available. Partial funding of a Grant may be necessary and Grant requests up to $750 are given first consideration.

Who is Eligible for Grant Funds?

  • Any staff member or employee of the Snohomish School District may apply for a Grant. Grants must be approved by a principal or building administrator.

What does the SEF Grant fund?

  • Materials or equipment that support or enhance existing curriculum
  • Materials that support student learning and emotional health
  • Materials or equipment that extends student learning
  • Experiences and/or materials that enhance existing curriculum, which can include field trips

SEF does not support the following:

  • National certification for teachers and other professional development
  • Equipment that meets basic district obligations around health and safety or capital improvements
  • Materials that replace core curriculum

How to apply:

  • Review your Grant application with your principal or administrator and ensure they approve your request
  • Please complete and submit the Grant application at:
  • Grant applications are due (Dec 1)

Additional Notes:

  • Your principal / administrator must approve your Grant application submission
  • Field trips will be considered, but are of lower priority for the review committee

2023-24 Timeline:

  • October 16, 2023 — Grant applications open
  • December 1, 2023 — Grant application deadline
  • Early December 2023 — Principals will receive copies of grants submitted from each school and Grant committee reviews applications
  • January 2024 — Checks are delivered to recipients before the end of the first semester
  • May / June 2024 — Grant recipients complete post-grant survey and share impact back with SEF

Grant Recipient Follow Up

Once the grant funds have been dispersed and used, the Foundation would like feedback about the how the materials or resources benefited your students. Photographs, responses from students, videos and teacher comments are some of the ways you can share how the funds were used. SEF will send a survey toward the end of the academic year to gather this information from you and to get your feedback.

The Snohomish Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting student success through scholarships, classroom grants, district-wide grants, and the Hansen Shoe Fund. As a community-based organization, SEF relies on private donors, businesses, and volunteers to carry out their mission of fostering learning by expanding opportunities for all Snohomish School District students. For more information, visit

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